. September 21, 2022
How Can You Help?
When most people become aware of the atrocities of human trafficking, it raises up indignation and an urge to “do something” to combat the reoccurring abuse and exploitation inflicted on victims.

But when you get down to the nuts and bolts of solutions, most lay people aren’t sure where they fit. They aren’t investigators like police or child protective services. Most people aren’t lawyers who can help victims through the courts. They typically aren’t a medical staff who can provide healthcare services. They aren’t therapists who can help walk survivors through healing from unspeakable trauma. But the urge to help is still there.
And that urge is good. Our response to injustice should be to counter it and provide safety for those who have been harmed. So, what can you do?
Helping doesn’t have to involve kicking in a trafficker’s door or going on a secret mission (which is a sensationalized version of things, to begin with).
Here are a few ideas of ways that you can make a big impact:
Pray – The evil that embodies trafficking is much deeper than the physical realm. It’s being driven by spiritual darkness. Prayers are an effective and powerful way to break unseen strongholds and bring healing. Pray for survivors and everyone who intersects with them. Pray for traffickers to repent and to be brought to justice.

Volunteer – Many groups that provide services to survivors of trafficking need volunteers for a variety of needs from meals to transportation to mentoring (and much more). You can volunteer at REHOPE by clicking here.
Donate – Many NGOs that provide wrap-around services to trafficking survivors also need financial contributions to continue to provide free services. Donations provide housing, food, transportation, staffing, animal therapy, and much more at REHOPE. You can give by clicking here.

Educate – Many people, unintentionally spread stories or ideas about trafficking that are not real or are sensationalized versions of what actually happens. It’s important to attend educational trainings that are accurate. Ensure the speakers have experience and that they incorporate the voices of trafficking survivors. The reality is that nobody understands trafficking better than someone who has lived experience.
Listening to the experiences of survivors is one of the most important ways we can learn and make changes. Head over to the REHOPE website to book a speaker.