REHOPE Crisis Stabilization assists survivors who have recently exited a trafficking or exploitation situation. This is a safe place where staff and volunteers can help them stabilize and plan next steps while addressing the need for immediate placement.

This 17-acre community is meeting the housing and healing needs of the fastest-growing and second-largest criminal enterprise - human trafficking.
We offer free:
- Long-term Housing
- Trauma Therapy & Healing Programs
- Alcohol & Drug Treatment
- Mental Health Services
- Spiritual Care
- Physical Care - Prescriptions, Dental & Vision
- Education Services & Job Preparation
- Reintegration Services
- Lifelong Access to Counseling, Education, & Spiritual Encouragement
We are currently expanding and adding 10 more beautiful tiny cottages in 2023.
In the U.S., females account for 70% of the total human sex trafficking population with 20% of those being children - mostly the ages of 14-17.
With only 600 beds available nationwide to minor survivors, REHOPE partnered with Missouri Baptist Children’s Home (MBCH) in November 2019 and opened the first house of REHOPE Youth.
This campus provides:
- Trauma treatment
- Education
- Family reintegration
- Advanced trauma-informed foster/adoptive services.
Located outside of the greater Kansas City metropolitan area, RH Youth serves up to 7 girls and 7 boys (11-17 years of age) at a time.
It costs $156/day for housing, food, therapies, programs, education, and staff.
Partner with us to save the lives of trafficked children.

REHOPE Market was founded as a social enterprise to sell online merchandise, survivor-made products and our special blend of REHOPE coffee.
The program provides:
- Personal & Professional Skills Training
- Therapeutic & Creative Outlets