. September 30, 2022
Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy

A few days ago, I was driving through my neighborhood when those words caught my attention. They were printed on the windshield of a truck that sped past me. On the back was an OnlyFans sticker.
Wait. Was this truck owner suggesting that pimping and OnlyFans, could be related?
Because, I have been told by very good authority that OnlyFans is completely harmless, everyone that creates content is 18 years old or over, and that all of the pornography is 100% created by individuals who have complete control and free will over it.
Anytime sex is monetized, there will be trafficking. That is just the way the world works. OnlyFans is no exception. I have personally seen teens be trafficked through the site. And yet, society would have us believe that’s not the case. I have heard countless stories of nurses, stay-at-home moms, teachers, personal trainers, etc. who have quit their jobs to create pornography on OnlyFans, because it makes so much money. On a surface level the argument seems convincing.
But beneath the surface, something much more sinister lurks. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) notes “Survivors, whistleblowers, police, and investigative journalists have uncovered child sexual abuse material, sex trafficking, rape videos, and a host of other crimes, making the case clear: OnlyFans is a safe haven for exploitation”.

Another reality is that OnlyFans often leads to in-person exploitation. NCOSE also notes, “Research published by The Avery Center found that creators often transition to in-person prostitution after discovering they are unable to make enough money on OnlyFans to sustain themselves. As one creator testified: “It [led] me to start in-person work. I realized I was already doing online [commercial sex transactions] and I knew I could make more doing in person.” Survivors and police also warn that platforms like OnlyFans serve as a gateway to prostitution.”

A recent school resource officer told me that high school girls now proudly say, “Only ugly girls get diplomas”, referencing the fact that teens can make so much money on OnlyFans, they don’t feel compelled to finish high school. Yikes.
The truck driving through my neighborhood spelled out what is abundantly clear. Massive amounts of exploitation, trafficking, CSAM, and abuse are taking place on OnlyFans. Truth tellers, survivors, and professionals, please continue to speak out on the realities of the commercial sex industry harming everyone in its path.
For more information check out – OnlyFans – NCOSE (